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Manila rope is a natural fiber rope and made from naturally-occurring Manila hemp, derived from the leaves of the abaca plant – a particularly strong, tough natural fiber which grows plentifully across the Philippines Manila hemp is environmentally friendly rope material. 
used in a huge range of applications, owing to its durability, flexibility, strength and resistance to water damage.
decoration rope-ship rope- Sailing and Marine - military training -rope ladders 
also don't degrade when exposed to sea water, making it perfect for use in marine applications and intense saltwater exposure, like rigging and fishing nets – although it tends to shrink when wet, which may be either an advantage or a hindrance. Knots tied in wet Manila rope will become much tighter and much less likely to slip or give; though they will also be harder to undo if necessary.  


Dim. (mm)
​Weight-220m (kg)
​Min. Breaking Strength (kg)
10 15.3 793
​12 ​21.9 1137
​14 ​29.9 1520
​16 36.9​ 1970
​20 60.9 3040
​22 73.7​ 3660
​24 87.8​ 4340
​26 102.9 5060
​28 ​119.5 5840
​30 ​137.3 6700
​32 ​156.2 7500
36​ 196.6​ 9500
​40 ​244.2 11630